Author: berrysweet
Date:   12-08-03 08:55

I hate to do this but I will put my story on here. It really is kinda long and I wish I had talked more about the raw foods because it played the biggest part of all in rebuilding my immune system.

My Cancer Scare

This really all started back in 1990 when I had breast implants put in because of numerous fibrotic tissues that had to be removed. The implants had nothing to do with my Breast cancer according to my doctors. I had no problems, even had a quadruple by pass in 1995 and it went real well, no interference with the implants.

In the year 2000, I was itching really bad on the incision scar.(from the implants) I felt a tiny pea sized ball there and assumed it was scar tissue. It continued to itch for another year and the knot got bigger.

By June,2003, I was beginning to get a little scared because the lump had grown, and I took on the Ostrich approach. Don't pay any attention and it will go away. I don't think so! Jimmie and I were really settled in and had no idea something like this would hit us right between the eyes.

On July 11th, 2003, on a Friday afternoon, they told me it was, in fact, a tumor. My first tumor marker was at 52. (I didn't know what a marker was).

A biopsy was scheduled for the 30th, on a Wed. I had nearly 3 weeks to convince myself that I was dying. Jimmie hid his feelings and was real supportive.

I was devastated already and hadn't even had the biopsy yet.

Well, I had it done along with a mammogram (my first and last) and on August 1st I received the dreaded call. CANCER!!! (Just an insert here, I wouldn't advise any woman to have a mammogram, They hurt me so bad that I thought, if I don't have cancer now, they are going to cause me to have it.)

The next day I went to see the surgeon so I could listen to my options. Here they are: Surgery, Chemo, and Radiation. Isn't that what they all say? I asked him if he could take off both breasts and he said no, because the other one was fine and he thinks the cancer is confined to the tumor. He was against a lumpectomy. He wanted to do a biopsey first, then we would discuss lumpectomys.

We went back later on and he decided to do a lumpectomy. We set a date. I wanted a little more time.

I had to call my daughter and my adopted daughter, Teri, ( not really, I just call her that), to tell them the news. This wasn't pleasant either..During all these black days, Jimmie encouraged me to keep my head up and "tits out", as he would say. I have a tendency to slump and that is his way to tell me to straighten up my shoulders. Now when he says it, we laugh because I say "proudly. at least I still have them".

Naturally, everyone had a fit when they heard I was doing things the natural way. They firmly believed in chemo and radiation.

I was so depressed. Jimmie took the bull by the horns and said that we had to do something. Something like research. Well, I didn't know it but he had already started. He said that he ran across a Dr.Lorraine Day, that healed her own cancer with a diet change and juicing along with a strong faith in God. I thought, that sounds easy enough, lets get started.

Not so easy. Jimmie ordered her book and tapes and then we got started on researching.

I found a testimonial of a cancer patient , on the internet. Her name is Irene King. She really inspired me and I wrote to her. She responded to my email, telling me about a lady herbalist that she had, and gave me her telephone number. She believes to this day that her herbalist saved her life. She still uses the very herbs and diet that was given her even though she has been cancer free for several years. Just type in Irene King into Google and you too can read her amazing story.

I was very excited and couldn't hardly wait to contact this herblist. We called her and left a message and lo and behold, she called us back and we made an appointment and met August 4th on a Mon.

What a wonderful and knowledgeable lady. Barbara Rogers is her name and she really lifted my spirits. We left there feeling a lot better just knowing she was willing to help us. Jimmie believes that she is another blessing after we found out that she moved here from Houston nearly 20 yrs ago and now is only 2 miles from us and I found her through Irene King, a former customer, on the internet. Its like God planted her here for me to eventually find. She played a big role in my recovery.

Wed.Aug.7th, I got my package from Dr. Day. Her book and tapes were awesome. Now I am torn between Dr. Day and the surgeon. Thursday was the day of total tests. They did tests I didn't know existed. That evening Jimmie wanted to go by Barbaras and when we did , he bought a Champion juicer from her. He had a plan and I know now what it was.

Let me reiterate here and give you a bit information that Jimmie ran across while on the internet.

There are 2 different kinds of juicers. 1: Masticating-A long screw type cone with blades. Masticating means to grind or crush ,as if to chew. 2: Centrifugal force- A round cylinder, where the blades spin around. During the spinning process, some of the nutrients are lost. Actually, I know that you can't always afford the very best, so as long as you have a juicer that will give you those precious juices for now, any juicer will do and you can get a better one on down the road. Try to buy organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible.

Sat. Aug. 9th we cleaned out all the cabinets and the refrigerator. We went shopping for all organic fruits and veggies. This day I started on my raw food diet.

I followed Dr. Days program as close as I could. I was making carrot and apple juice every hour and eating salads full of every kind of vegetable I could think of and having a baked potato in the evening along with a salad, of course.

Cleaning the juicer after every use and keeping up with my produce, was too much for me. Jimmie said that we should take turns so that it wouldn't be so much on one person. That worked great for a while, but, after a couple of weeks we both was wore out. So I worked out a plan to have my juices every three hours due to the fact that I wasn't on a crisis diet as yet. That made a big difference and I wasn't so tired. Also it left us some time to do our shopping. Keep in mind that you need to drink your juice as soon as you make it. According to what I have researched, you lose a lot of valuable nutrients if you do it ahead of time and refrigerate it. I didn't want to give this cancer any edges.

In my researching, I ran across an article by Joanna Budwig. Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. I started eating it twice a day, 1/2 cup of CC and a tblesp.of Flax oil mixed together with some fresh fruit. I now know that it contributed to my healing .

I went to see a few other doctors in the meantime, one for breast restructuring, one for chemo and one for radiation. Which I knew all along I would not take any of these, but you have to keep the main doctor happy. Had some blood work done to find the second tumor marker. It was 49. No one told me what that meant but I found out later that it was not good.

Notice that the marker went from 52 to 49. This was before the lump was removed and I had already started my new eating program( including the Flax oil and CC.)

Jimmie and I went shopping and he bought me an oven, it sits on the counter about the size of a microwave. He knew that I could no longer use the microwave because microwaves alter the nutrients in your food and the waves also attack your body. So again, I was going to be very careful.

My surgery was scheduled for Aug.19th. This was the 16th. Something you should know about Jimmie, he strongly believes in "Blessings." and when you bless someone you get blessed back 10 fold. So he bought Barbara the Dr.Days package. She had told Jimmie that she would like to have the package to put in her shop. Then we gave a friend of ours $100 and she really needed it. That friend of ours is also big on praying and I needed every one I could get.

All this time Jimmie has been eating what I eat whether he needs it or not. Jimmie is a strong and robust man and I feel like he needs to eat different fom me. So I told him that it would not bother me for him to have a regular, but good diet. ( I came in after my shower and caught him crying, I knew then how much he loved me and I decided to put my nose to the grindstone and make it work.) After all he had been trying to help me more than I could help myself. I also decided to be cautious about complaining. He had enough to worry about.

I want to insert here that Jimmie had been taking blood pressure meds and by changing his diet, he no longer needs them.(I had him on Flax oil and CC too).

August 19th, rolled around and I showed up on time. Jimmie gets upset at me when I mention this but it is part of what I went through. The treatments they gave me before surgery were" Barbaric". That is all I will say because it upsets me and Jimmie is right, I don't need to have negatives haunting me.

After the surgery, the doctor told Jimmie that I was fine and he thought he got it all. and we were real happy. We called the family and everyone was happy.

They sent me home the same day. (we have insurance companies to thank for that).Also there is a proposal in congress that the women of America are trying to get approved . It applies to these insurance companies insisting on sending women home the same day of their surgery with their drainage tubes dangling. Hopefully, we get it passed. We are only asking to stay in the hospital till the tubes come out in order to not get infections.

I slept for 2 days and Jimmie was my nurse. He was such a blessing. He gave me a bath on Friday the 22nd and removed some of the bandages. That was a scary sight. I thought the doctor had mutilated me, but Jimmie said it wasn't that bad and for me to" Look at the roses and not the thorns". At least the tumor was gone. That is a favorite saying Jimmie has,and he is right. I have always been a very negative person, so he has had his hands full. He is a very positive person and is working hard on me.

Monday the25th, the doctor gave me the worst news possible. He didn't get all the cancer and there were microscopic cancer cells under my left arm in one of my lymph nodes, which he removed too. Also , I have the worse kind of cancer.It is very invasive.It is called , Lobular Carcinoma in Situ. The doctor wanted me to go back in the hospital and have a modified radical mastectomy on the left side and a mastectomy of the right breast. Removal of both breasts!! And he wanted to do the surgery right away!!! I was in shock. Jimmie told me later that I told the doctor to go ahead and make the arrangements. He spoke up and asked for a grace period of 2 weeks and the Dr. said ok. Thank God for Jimmies fast thinking.

Well, I had to call the family again to tell them the bad news. I know they felt like they were on a yoyo. They wanted me to come to Houston and go to a well known cancer center. Jimmie and I discussed it and he said whatever I wanted to do was fine with him.

We called the family Aug.30th and told them we were coming. So we started getting the RV ready.I really got caught up in the excitement of the trip and for a little while I relaxed.

We left Vegas about 10 am, Sept.2nd,and had a wonderful trip. We drove all day and stayed in RV parks at night. They were all really nice parks. We arrived in Tomball,Tx., at 10:30, Fri. morning, Sept.5th.

Teri insisted we stay in one of her apts. while we were there. That was another blessing because it saved us a lot of money. We still had to pay rent on our RV space in Las Vegas, in order to save it till we returned, and I was adamant that we would return.

Shelley, (my daughter) and her husband and Teri and her husband and Jimmie and I went out to eat. It was a wonderful reunion because we haven't seen one another for over a year. Then we all went back to our apt. and really visited.

I Made an appointment for Sept., 9th, Tues., at the Health Store, in Tomball, and the Iridologist ran a test on my eyes.The cancer showed up. She sold us some pills and for the first time, we learned about PH strips and alkalizing the body. We learned that cancer can not live in an alkalized body. I got excited and started a fast the next day with carrot and apple juice. At one point my PH shot up to 9. Well, that is too high but I didn't know it at the time. so I was thrilled.

Since then I have done a lot of research on PH and we try to eat the things that alkalize our bodies naturally.

Over the week-end we went to Shelleys, and Teri and James came too. We showed the Dr. Day films and everyone was in awe. It actually changed their minds about me wanting to do things the natural way and they were making plans to change their eating habits too. I tried to make an appointment at a well known cancer center and couldn't get one. Jimmie said that must be a sign.

Shelley and Teri and their families, have switched to organic foods and off red meat. From what I hear, at least Shelley is sticking to it, I'm not sure about Teri. She is more concerned about calories since she lost all her weight. Although she has invested in a juicer and is on Flax Oil. I am proud of them for their efforts.

Jimmie said maybe this is why God led us to them with our tapes. Maybe a change in their eating habits will lengthen their life.

Well, we decided that we would head back around the end of the month. We visited a couple more times at Shelleys and visited with Teri too. We stayed pretty busy until the end of the month and said our good-byes and on Sept., 29th at 9 am. we headed to Las Vegas.

We arrived in Vegas around 10 am. on 10/02/03. Had some problems with the RV on the way but Jimmie fixed it and it ran great.

When we got back, I called my regular doctor and got an appointment for Oct.,21st. He sent me to have my blood work done on the 22nd so we would know where my cancer marker was.

2 days of pure torture. I wanted to know if all that hard work and eating raw and juicing, with Jimmie behind me holding me up, was going to work.

At last Fri.., was here and I got the call from the doctors nurse. All my tests were NORMAL!!!!!! My cancer marker was 34, which is normal. The next Tues., Oct.,28 th ,I went back to my doctor and he was elated. Surprised too. He doesn't want to see me for 3 more months.

Just a note here to tell you that Jimmie and I started out searching blind. We knew nothing. It is a jungle full of knowledge out there and sometimes, I think, so much that you get lost.

We decided to keep it simple. To take what we have learned and apply it, one thing at a time. I know it will be confusing for you, so if I can be of any help, please email me at, or call 702-434-6133 and leave a message.

Look! I sill have both breasts and no chemo and no radiation. God bless.