2nd February, 2010
There is far too much condemndation about food choices on the raw food
forums. I find it annoys me too much to see entire threads focusing on
choices of one individual, picking them apart and calling them
derogatory names. Eat whatever you like people. I am going solo. I am
my own guru. I am focusing on discovering what it is that I want to
choose and prefer to do it in peace, without the noise of pressure from
others on the topic what it is the ideal diet. I will find what I like
myself, thanks. I love fruit so much. As far a anything else, I am open
to experimentation and will see.
I find cult-like behaviours suffocating. This is in relation to all
aspects of my life, not just the raw food forums. Last month I decided
to leave Amma organization, which I was attached to for quite some
time, and where I had some lovely experiences too. In the end the
organization became too much cult-like to me, the need to be my own
guru overwhelmed me and the decision to leave became an inevitable
outcome. And in this way both my health and spiritual interests
converged into one way of exploring the reality - my own, completely.
4th February, 2010
I am very fond of my on-line fruit-loving friends. I miss them if I do
not talk to them for longer. I love them as much as I love my fruit.
But there is a flip side to this coin. I get very unsettled when I read
those mentioned condemnatory comments which I feel suffocate my psyche,
drain me. I feel like rebelling against them to the point of losing my
interest in this health path altogether. On the other hand, I feel I
can also get negatively affected by those comments that question the
choices I am attracted to, such as people questioning veganism or
fruit-based diets for example, people doing B12 shots etc. But then if
I would do try the old patterns again, I feel that my body absolutely
accept it. I feel I can't exist in any other than fruitty way. I feel
malnourished and dehydrated if I don't get my juicy fruit, which is the
source of my live energy. So I find myself trapped between two desires,
one to be with my friends because I long for their company, and another
to stay away from them because I get affected by the negative comments
by some of them. I know that this is all due to my own making, as it is
me who creates my own reality, and it is my mind who chooses to get
affected by the perceived negativity. In the end, it boils down to some
practical deciding factors. I have currently several papers and a
couple of grant applications in preparation, besides all my lecturing
commitments. Then, there is the belly dancing in which I would like to
get involved a little bit more, the swimming which I would like to be
able to enjoy regularly, and the music, my love, my passion, which I
would want to devote more attention to than I have in the past. I feel
I need to give myself some time for my personal growth, for finding
what it is that I want to do, and finding time to do it. I've been
aware of this need for a while now, and went off the forums for a short
time a number of times. This did help a little, but not enough. I need
a much bigger breath of fresh air than that. So I decided to give
myself much more space and time for my various passions. This means
staying away from the forums for a good long while.
10th February, 2010