13th March, 2010
I admit I feel a little embarassed about the existence of this website.
I mean, who talks about food for nearly 7 years! When I read my front
page transitional story now, I feel uneasy about all that excitement of
a person (myself) who just discovered a way of being healthy. Yep, it
does sound so naive and over the top (I am blushing here). There is one
thing that keeps me going though, despite all the embarassement. Me
wanting to share, just in case it helps someone. Even if one person
benefits from it, all the work has been worth it!
I like to question things, and even now, after all these years, I do
have times that I question this lifestyle, of course I do! In the end
it boils down to the fact that my body simply does not seem to tolerate
any other food than raw. Any experiments with other foods always end in
the same result. So my conclusion is that I have no other choice but
listen to my body. And so I am here again, sharing with you my thoughts
on this one particular topic of diet and health, even though my
life is pretty busy with all the various projects and pursuits in
completely different aspects of my life.
Oh, and since we are talking about food, I would like to mention how
absolutely delicious navel oranges recently have been. I developed
a taste for them recently, cutting them in 8, so sweet and juicy, and
satisfying. Julia too commented on how delicious they are, I put half
an orange in her lunchbox the other day, and today she asked for some
in the morning. Piles of rockmelons are on my kitchen benchtop and I am
slighlty worried than my sudden desire for the oranges might mean they
are going to get forgotten ha ha!